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What to Expect From a Snorkelling Trip in North Sulawesi

Posted on 25 June 2024

What to Expect From a Snorkelling Trip in North Sulawesi

As you fly into Manado, North Sulawesi you can’t miss the incredibly clear water below you. This is a beautiful feature of the region that tempts divers and snorkelers from all over the world to visit. At Gangga Island you will be able to dive and snorkel to your heart’s content, taking in rich marine biodiversity and pristine underwater landscapes. (more…)

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Eco-Friendly Travel: Sustainable Tourism at Gangga Island Resort and Spa

Posted on 31 May 2024

Eco-Friendly Travel: Sustainable Tourism at Gangga Island Resort and Spa

Do you consider sustainability when you are booking holidays and dive trips? If a low carbon footprint is one of your requirements, it can be difficult to find the perfect place to stay. Gangga Island Resort & Spa is one resort you might want to check out thought. With a focus on sustainable tourism practices, you can expect comfort and a high standard of service with environmental responsibility. (more…)

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A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring North Sulawesi

Posted on 30 April 2024

A Beginner's Guide to Exploring North Sulawesi

In the heart of the Indonesian archipelago is a true gem waiting to be discovered. North Sulawesi has gorgeous landscapes, vibrant culture, and astoundingly rich biodiversity. Whether you’re an avid diver, nature enthusiast, or simply seeking a unique destination off the beaten path, North Sulawesi has something for everyone. It’s time to get acquainted with North Sulawesi province. (more…)

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What Makes North Sulawesi so Special

Posted on 29 November 2023

What Makes North Sulawesi so Special

North Sulawesi is a province located on the northern tip of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. There are several aspects that make North Sulawesi special and an ideal place to spend a holiday. (more…)

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