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The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Manado Tua Island

Posted on 31 August 2023

The Cultural and Environmental Significance of Manado Tua Island

One of the joys of flying into Manado, North Sulawesi is the landscape as you descend into the city. The backdrop of rugged and lushly covered mountains and the sparkling blue of the sea are absolutely breathtaking. However, one of the most mesmerizing features of the view is Manado Tua Island, the cone of a long extinct stratovolcano pushing out of the Sulawesi Sea just off the coast of the city. This volcano holds huge geological and cultural (more…)

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Check Out a Sample Itinerary for a Week on Gangga Island

Posted on 27 January 2023

Check Out a Sample Itinerary for a Week on Gangga Island

Gangga Island is a small island around 20 minutes off the north coast of Manado, North Sulawesi. There are a few steps to getting there but once you are there you may not want to leave. However, most guests at Gangga Island Resort & Spa have limited time so it’s nice to know how to make the most of your days on the island. In this blog we’ll show you a 7 day sample itinerary for a trip to Gangga Island. (more…)

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5 Reasons You Should Know About Manado, North Sulawesi

Posted on 15 December 2022

5 Reasons You Should Know About Manado, North Sulawesi

Manado isn’t a place that is widely known outside of scuba diving circles, but it is most certainly a place you should know about! Located in the North Sulawesi province of Indonesia that stretches almost all the way to the Philippines, Manado is a melting pot of cultures, languages, and religions. There are loads of reasons to visit the area, but here are 5 reasons you should know about Manado. (more…)

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Your Ultimate Packing List for a Trip to Manado

Posted on 26 May 2022

8 of the Best Beaches in Indonesia for Your Next Trip

Manado is a city on the very northernmost part of the island of Sulawesi. It is quite a large city but chances are if you are heading to the area you are going to one of the dive resorts or islands even further to the north of the city. Traveling to most of these areas means you will be leaving behind the land of supermarkets, malls, and pharmacies where you would usually grab anything you need. (more…)

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