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Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

Indonesia has seen relatively low numbers of cases of Covid-19 considering this is a country of some 260 million people. We are very grateful that so far the numbers have been low and most people have recovered quickly.

As in other countries, the Indonesian government has advised that people stay indoors as much as possible and has regulated foreign and domestic tourism. However, Gangga Island Resort & Spa management have prioritized the health and safety of the staff in the resort, and decided to quarantine within the resort.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

We currently have 25 staff members, including 2 from Gangga Island who have chosen to stay within the resort. Since April 10th no one has been allowed to leave or enter the resort area. Unfortunately, the local villages are still allowing travel to the mainland with no proper health checks so we had to make the difficult decision to cut contact with anyone outside the resort.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

We are using this time positively to make repairs and undertake some maintenance to keep the resort clean and safe. All of the 25 remaining staff members have taken on work that would normally be outside their job descriptions, and we thank them for their willingness and flexibility.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

We also know how important it is to have a sense of community and strength at this time so we have organized fun activities to keep morale up. We have held an interdepartmental badminton match, Easter egg hunt, small Easter lunch, and are running movie nights.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

The lockdown was originally scheduled to end on May 10th, but we will be assessing this situation daily and may continue to stick with our current arrangements until at least the end of May.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

One positive to come from this is that we have had beautiful, sunny weather recently and have been running 100% on solar power for almost a week. We have also dry-docked 2 of our boats to reduce the wear and tear on them.

Keeping Gangga Island Resort & Spa Safe From Covid-19

This is a very difficult time for people all over the world, and we are hoping that we can reopen in the not too distant future. We miss our guests and staff members and hope that you will all stay at home, be safe, and visit us when this virus is finally gone.

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