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5 Reasons to Visit North Sulawesi

Posted on 02 November 2017

5 reasons to visit North Sulawesi

Gangga Island is located just off the coast of Manado in North Sulawesi, which is part of the incredible Indonesian Archipelago. This part of Indonesia is an amazing part of the country to visit for diving, but there are also many other reasons to put it on the top of your ‘places to visit’ list! Here are 5 reasons to visit North Sulawesi: (more…)

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Look Out for These Incredible Species While Diving Gangga Island

Posted on 19 October 2017

Look Out for These Incredible Species While Diving Gangga Island

Off the coast of Manado, North Sulawesi is a wonderland for divers. This area of such varied marine biodiversity that people come from all over the world to witness the stunning creatures that live in the warm, clear waters. Visibility is often up to 40 metres so chances are you’ll get a great view of the underwater world while diving here. Gangga Island is at the heart of this area and is the ideal spot to stay and search out the species below that you won’t want to miss! (more…)

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